Monday, December 25, 2023

 Bhante Rahula and all the residents at the Lion of Wisdom Meditation Center wish you a Mindful and prosperous New Year in 2024.

Portions of our Year End Retreat will be available for participation live over Zoom. Here is the schedule for the Zoom broadcasts.
Thursday, Dec. 28th through Sunday Dec. 31st; each day 2-4.30 pm, Dhamma talk and meditation.
Sat. Dec. 30th through Monday Jan. 1st, each day  9-11 am; instructions and meditation.
Sunday Dec. 31st, 8.0 pm-Midnight, Q and A, special evening chanting, meditation, yoga to greet the New Year 2024.
Join these programs 
Here is a link to the lyrics and song, Buddhamas Carol, or Ode to the Vipassana Yogi. This song was composed by Bhante Yogavacara Rahula for you Mindful meditations over the holidays:

Please view the My Books page to see the new updated versions of Bhante y. Rahula's books, One Night's Shelter and the Masterful Teachings of Gotama Buddha.